Invocation of Change in Venue for the Referral of Amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Evidence
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Court Level
Constitutional Court Chamber
- Law/Art 3
English (eng)
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Specialist Chambers
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- Invocation of Change in Venue for the Referral of Amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Evidence
- Kërkesë për ndryshimin e vendit të zhvillimit të procedurës në lidhje me referimin e ndryshimeve të Rregullores së Procedurës dhe të Provave
- Zahtev za promenu mesta vođenja postupka za ocenu ustavnosti izmena i dopuna Pravilnika o postupku i dokazima
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- Referral of Amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Evidence to the Specialist Chamber of the Constitutional Court 01/05/2020 , Referral
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- Zahtev za ocenu ustavnosti izmena i dopuna Pravilnika o postupku i dokazima upućen Specijalizovanom veću Ustavnog suda 01/05/2020 , Referral
F00003 (this filing)
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