Selimi Defence Reply to “Prosecution Response to Preliminary Motions Concerning the Status of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Allegations of Rights Violations”
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Dhoma e Gjykatës Themelore
- RPE/R 76
anglishte (eng)
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F00307 (ky parashtrim)
- Annex 1 to Veseli Defence Reply to Prosecution Response to the Preliminary Motion of the Defence of Kadri Veseli to Challenge the Jurisdiction of the KSC (Customary International Law) , Shtojcë e parashtrimit të protokolluar
- Annex 2 to Veseli Defence Reply to Prosecution Response to the Preliminary Motion of the Defence of Kadri Veseli to Challenge the Jurisdiction of the KSC (Customary International Law) , Shtojcë e parashtrimit të protokolluar
- Annex 3 to Veseli Defence Reply to Prosecution Response to the Preliminary Motion of the Defence of Kadri Veseli to Challenge the Jurisdiction of the KSC (Customary International Law) , Shtojcë e parashtrimit të protokolluar
- Veseli Defence Reply to Prosecution Response to the Preliminary Motion of the Defence of Kadri Veseli to Challenge the Jurisdiction of the KSC (Customary International Law) 17/05/2021 , Kundërpërgjigje
- Decision on Motions Challenging the Legality of the SC and SPO and Alleging Violations of Certain Constitutional Rights of the Accused 31/08/2021 , Vendim
- Odluka po podnescima kojima se osporava legalitet Specijalizovanih veća i Specijalizovanog tužilaštva i ukazuje na povredu nekih ustavnih prava optuženih 31/08/2021 , Vendim
- Vendim mbi Mocionet që Ngrenë Kundërshtime ndaj Ligjshmërisë së DHS-së dhe ZPS-së dhe Shkeljen e Pretenduar të Disa të Drejtave Kushtetuese të të Akuzuarve 31/08/2021 , Vendim
- Decision on Prosecution Request for Extension of Time Limit to Respond to Leave to Appeal Requests on Decision KSC-BC-2020-06-F00450 24/09/2021 , Vendim
- Vendim mbi Kërkesën e Prokurorisë për Zgjatjen e Afatit për t’iu Përgjigjur Kërkesave për Leje për Apelim të Vendimit KSC-BC-2020-06/F00450 24/09/2021 , Vendim
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